艾丽莎·莫勒切里  又名:

民 族:  出生地:Toronto, Ontario, Ca  身 高:

英文名:Elisa Moolecherry 

籍 贯: 

星 座: 

职 业:演员 

生 日: 

更新时间2023-02-06 16:58:07 

参演作品:由  艾丽莎·莫勒切里  等参与的作品的等,自发布以来就获得了非常不错的口碑,非常受广大欢众喜爱。ID:(101026)


Elisa Moolecherry, born in Toronto, Canada, has been a professional actor working in theatre, film and television in Canada, the U.S. and Germany. She received her Honours BFA (Specialisation in Theatre Performance) at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. She is also the Artistic Director of BeMe Theatre, which she founded in 2005.(db)


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