皮亚·梅切勒  又名:

民 族:  出生地:德国  身 高:

英文名:Pia Mechler 

籍 贯: 

星 座:双鱼座 

职 业:演员,导演,编剧 

生 日:1983年02月19 

更新时间2023-02-08 02:43:33 

参演作品:由  皮亚·梅切勒  等参与的作品的等,自发布以来就获得了非常不错的口碑,非常受广大欢众喜爱。ID:(105257)


Pia Mechler is a German born actress, director and author. Mechler studied acting at the European Film College in Denmark. She graduated in 2005 with a diploma. After graduating Mechler moved to Berlin. There she also worked with the drama teacher Kristiane Kupfer and attended workshops in voice training. She was part of the Portuguese electro pop band MAU and was signed with Universal Portugal. They released their debut album "Man And Unable".(db)


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