鲁迪·杨布拉德  又名:

民 族:  出生地:  身 高:

英文名:Rudy Youngblood 

籍 贯: 

星 座:处女座 

职 业:演员 

生 日:1982年09月21 

更新时间2023-08-04 13:54:53 

参演作品:由  鲁迪·杨布拉德  等参与的作品的等,自发布以来就获得了非常不错的口碑,非常受广大欢众喜爱。ID:(184113)


Rudy Youngblood is Native American of Comanche and Cree decent. Growing up, he never called one place home, but went to school and graduated in the small town of Belton,Texas. He is proud of his roots. Prior to making his on-screen debut in Mel Gibson's Oscar nominated film, "Apocalypto"(2006), Youngblood worked as a laborer in a variety of fields. For instance, he toured for three seasons with Peter Buffet's Native American Dance/Theatrical Production, "Spirit-The Seventh Fire", as a warrior protector. Rudy was also part of the Native American Dance Theatre. However, in 2005, Youngblood decided to move to Los Angeles to create his own theatrical production. It was at this point he was cast for the lead role of 'Jaguar Paw' in Apocalypto. Youngblood spent weeks preparing for the filming of the movie, for which he had less than a month to learn the Yucatan Mayan language. In addition, due to his natural athleticism, he performed all his own stunts, including a death-defying 175 ft free fall during the waterfall scene and running in front of a live two hundred pound jaguar. According to stunt coordinator Mic Rodgers, "Rudy is the purest athlete I've ever met. He has his head together and is totally on top of his game. If he wasn't an actor, he could very well be a stuntman." Youngblood also starred in other films, including the lead role as 'Brandon' in the 2010, MMA film, "Beatdown", a natural role for Youngblood considering he was no stranger to the world of mixed martial arts. (As of May 2016) When it comes to cinema, Youngblood is currently working on several up coming pictures, side by side with the best in the business. Rudy recently had the pleasure of working with director Russell Friedenberg for the upcoming movie release Wind Walkers. Also debuting this year is Crossing Point by Daniel Zirrilli. He is currently attached to several other pictures, including The Dance of the Blue Tattoo. He is executive producer, and also starring in the upcoming film Say Some(db)


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