莉莎·霍华德  又名:

民 族:  出生地:加拿大,安大略省,伦敦  身 高:

英文名:Lisa Howard 

籍 贯: 

星 座:射手座 

职 业:演员 

生 日:1963年11月24 

更新时间2023-10-31 04:15:23 

参演作品:由  莉莎·霍华德  等参与的作品的等,自发布以来就获得了非常不错的口碑,非常受广大欢众喜爱。ID:(219004)


Lisa Howard is a Canadian actor born in London, Ontario. She played Lili Marquette in 49 episodes of Earth: Final Conflict but has also starred in series like Highlander, Valley of the Dolls, The Adventures of Sinbad and First Wave. She's also had roles in films like Moonstruck and The War of the Roses. Howard is married to writer/producer Daniel Cerone and together they have two children.(db)


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