桑迪·西杜  又名:

民 族:  出生地:加拿大,纳奈莫  身 高:

英文名:Sandy Sidhu 

籍 贯: 

星 座: 

职 业:演员 

生 日: 

更新时间2023-03-03 04:50:43 

参演作品:由  桑迪·西杜  等参与的作品的等,自发布以来就获得了非常不错的口碑,非常受广大欢众喜爱。ID:(132240)


Sandy Sidhu is a Canadian film and television actress based in Vancouver, British Columbia. She has a recurring role as Dr. Mehta in the military science fiction television series, Stargate Universe.(db)


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